shopping list
How can you help? One way is to help us to offer a balanced food parcel that contains different types of food. This list is updated here and on our Facebook page.
We really appreciate you donating from the list below as it avoids an excess of some foods and a shortage of others.
Try the Bank the Food App here: https://www.bankthefood.org/ and get an updated list direct to your phone every time you go to a collection point!
The Most Useful Foods
Please note that all food collected is non-perishable, long-life or tinned. Thanks for your help.
When we have an URGENT need for items, please see the blue URGENT list below.
The red list tells you the food items that we have lots of (and do not need at the moment).
Collection points are listed at the end of this page.
Thank you so much!
(In order of how urgent they are.)
UHT Milk (Semi skimmed and whole)
Sandwich paste
Rice pudding (tinned)
Tinned meat: mince, stew, chilli, meat balls etc.
Hot dogs (tinned)
Meatballs (tinned)
Tinned Chicken in sauce
Tinned meals
Suggested Food Donations
Long life UHT milk (Semi-skimmed or whole)
Pasta sauce
Corned beef
Tinned fruit
Tinned custard
Tinned chicken in sauce
Tinned Corned Beef / Ham
Tinned meat such as tinned mince, bolognese, stew, chilli and hot dogs
Sandwich paste
Snacks: crisps, nuts, dried fruit, cereal bars, chocolate bars for lunchboxes and homeless
Tinned Red Meat (e.g. bolognese, mince, chilli, stew)
Tinned chickpeas, mixed chilli beans, red kidney beans, lentils
Tinned Rice Pudding
Jars of sandwich paste
Tinned Peas
Tinned carrots
Dried potato/Smash
Strong Clean Carrier Bags
Cordial / long life fruit juice
Fruit Juice
Tinned Sweetcorn
Fray Bentos pies
Tinned/jarred Hot Dogs
Packet Rice
Porridge Oats
Jam or Marmalade
Tinned beans with sausages (not beans on their own--for breakfast or lunch)
Breakfast Cereal
Tinned lentils or chickpeas
Tinned potatoes
Tinned tomatoes
Dried mashed potato (like Smash)
Cereal bars
Instant coffee
Packets of cream crackers
Shower gel
Feminine products--sanitary towels and tampons
Jars or pouches of baby food
Packets of Rice (500g if possible)
Packets of pasta
Jars of curry sauce to go with rice
Tinned meatballs
Small packets of sugar
Angel Delight
Packets of dried custard
Microwave Sponge Puddings
We don’t currently need, please do not donate:
Baked beans
Other beans (kidney beans etc.)
Donation Points
Henderson Connellan on the High Street
The Village (formerly The Eco Village) on St. Mary's Road
Both Coop supermarkets
Everyone's Active: leisure centre
By Email
If you wish to make a monetary donation, please contact us using the email address below:
Have you tried the Bank the Food app?

Use the Bank the Food App to remind you to donate items at your local store.
Use the QR code above to download the app. Thank you for your support.